A fundamental belief of our organization is that with the right supports and opportunities, all individuals with disabilities can maintain long-term, successful and meaningful community employment. Although individuals may take different paths or require longer times on their journeys to employment, the goal is always community employment. Employment offers people greater financial stability, which in turn affords them more control over their lives and circumstances. Having a meaningful job also provides opportunities for individuals to experience the pride, status, and rewards that come from successful employment.
Finding a job that one can be happy doing on an ongoing basis is challenging and is a personal decision, so all planning begins with the person. An employment pathway that might work for one person, may not be suitable for another. Therefore, we take the time to get know each person, so we can assist them in finding a job that is matched to their likes, dislikes, talents, and preferences. The supports we offer to help facilitate community employment include, but are not limited to, community based work evaluations, trial work experiences, workplace readiness skill training, and various levels of job coaching.
CEA does not charge participants any fees for services, except in private pay circumstances. Nearly all of our program participants are referred to us through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services or the Division of Developmental Disabilities, who pay us a fee for the approved services.
CEA provides community employment and evaluation services generally in Hunterdon, Somerset and Middlesex Counties. As these services take place at community evaluation and job sites, the days and hours of operation vary based on the individual requirements of the job held or the schedule of the specific evaluation site.